The Holy Longing
Rediscover Jesus

Paul Nelson is a convert to Catholicism who I met in 2012 when he attended a Cursillo (meaning a short course in Christianity) Weekend where I was one of the team leaders. Over the years, we have grown to be close friends and I often look to Paul for spiritual direction in my own life. As a Marian Catechist, Paul has spent countless hours learning about his Catholic faith and how to apply Church teaching daily. He challenges all to fully live out their faith.
Now is the time! Paul engages and challenges readers to live the fullness of Truth in their lives by fully understanding the teachings of Christ Himself and how these truths are revealed through the Magisterium of the Church. He shares the struggles of his own spiritual journey and how the Holy Spirit has formed his heart over the years. He invites all Christians to study the Bible with fervor and see the beauty of all Catholic doctrine.
Paul shares the depth and history of Catholic tradition while at the same time delving into the current problems of today that are eroding Christianity. He offers a scriptural basis for Church teaching and how we should apply these teachings in our own life to overcome difficulties. The author’s passion and love for the Lord and His Church are on full display in this book.
Paul covers important core teachings of the Catholic Church and provides readers with many thought-provoking questions along the way. He invites all of us to reunite and become one mighty presence on the earth for Jesus Christ. In a world of moral relativism that creates obstacles to holiness, we need authentic teaching on social justice and living a morally authentic life. We are all called to find our identity in Jesus and not in the culture of self-indulgence. This book offers readers an opportunity to examine their own lives and find the fullness of who they were created to be – a child of God.